#TaxDirection: Revolutionizing Tax from a scaler to a vector

A feedback mechanism enabling governments to develop hyperlocal projects to solve taxpayer-specific-problems holistically

Suggest how you wish your tax to be directed here: https://forms.gle/6CCyEZCTAKirK1HF9

Vizualize the aggregated clustered outputs as project proposals here: https://github.com/SanTanBan/TaxDirection

TaxDirection submission QR

Citizen! Submit your Problem

(alongwith the suggested solution if you have thought of one)

You may refer to more details about Tax Direction here:

The latest clustering of Tax Direction is shown below:

( based on MyGov.in suggestions scraped till January 2023, dataset available: https://github.com/SanTanBan/MyGov-Idea-Box-Suggestions-Scraping )

We are moving this to HuggingFace Spaces as its UI development is very easy and splendid: https://huggingface.co/spaces/SantanuBanerjee/TaxDirection

Tax Tokens allocated to each Problem-Location Cluster Sentiment Score of each Problem-Location Cluster

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